Season II Trailer

Have you ever thought no matter what we do, you believe that we need to always be learning and improving?

Have you ever thought we should always be connected to a community of like-minded peers and leaders that truly help us elevate our game?

Do you remember a time, when you thought to yourself, I can't possibly be the only person going through this situation -- or even have you thought if I could just get connected to someone who could help with this! if I could just be mentored in a way by that particular person(s) that would willingly share those real actionable steps and blueprint to this thing I've been struggling with.

Have you ever thought to yourself I just need the honest truth blueprint. Perhaps you even remember a time when you thought, there has to be a better way! I don't need another book thrown my way I need to get connected, I need to get to another place of discovering another level of motivation -- I need to discover another level of inspiration in a way that I have not that would truly help propel me to my next level of my life.

Each week during season II we will hear from some fascinating and exciting thought leaders that have achieved high levels of success across many different spheres of influence despite overcoming adversity. They are willing to share from the depths of their hearts with us their proven secrets, experiences and actionable steps.

There's no denying the power a strong professional network and platform can have over our careers and life. Just maybe, maybe! We’ll give you that edge, that spark of motivation and inspiration, that tool in your kit bag that will serve as the rocket fuel that will shift you to the next level of your life!

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