S1E3: You Still Get to Tell Your Story

You Still Get to Tell Your Story

In this episode we talk about learning to choose the right language for the story that you truly seek to be told. We learned that it is often these limiting beliefs that keep us from achieving greater levels of success.

What’s the first thing you do when you meet someone new? You ask him or her to tell you their story but very few individuals know how to do this well. These limiting or negative thoughts in our minds often take over.

They give too much back story, drone on for 20 or 30 minutes, list arbitrary details that mean nothing to you, and putter out at the end, leaving you wondering what the point was. It can leave you feeling confused and unfulfilled.

This is not okay. Because you have a story to tell, and it deserves to be told well.

You need to practice. You need to become an expert at telling your own story. Consider some of the basic elements of any good story and how they apply to your story:

  • What’s the conflict?
  • Who’s the hero?
  • Where is the suspense?
  • How will the conflict resolve?
  • What’s the point?
  • Why does it matter to me?

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